Tag Archives: bike log

Marv’s January Bike Log

Dear Rouleurs,

Well here’s my first bike log for 2017.  As per my last log, my holiday cycling plans didn’t go as planned,resulting no riding between 18 December 2016 to 6 January 2017…bugger.  Notwithstanding, I still managed 650 Km for the month.  My log and stats can be found here. This puts me over 100 km ahead of my monthly goal – 542km.

New pretty monthly graph for January.

The big numbers are longer training rides and the Cadel Evans People’s Ride, which you have read MMT’s report on here.  As MMT has signed up for Strava this year, he can produce a matching suffer score graph for the above graph.  It looks a bit like this.

January’s suffer score graph care of MMT’s Strava account. The 136 was the Cadel Evans People’s Ride, which was long and hilly.

For MMT, the Suffer Score roughly aligns with the distance of the ride but increases when MMT starts climbing or falls when I’m dawdling along.  I’m looking forward to fiddling more with these stats over the forthcoming months.

Until next blog, ride safe.


Marv’s December Bike Log

Dear Rouleurs,

Well here’s my last bike log for 2016.  Basically, my holiday cycling plans didn’t go as planned resulting no riding between 18 December 2016 to 6 January 2017…bugger.  Notwithstanding, I still managed 446.05 Km for weeks I was able to ride. Here’s my log and stats.  Here’s the log and stats for December.

As expected I exceeded the 7000 Km mark, finishing up with an final total of 7293.26 Km.  This meant I beat my annual goal by nearly 1300 Km….woo hoo.

I’ve included some additional end of year stats to describe what occurred over that period of time.

The first graph shows month by month totals of kilometres ridden

The second graph shows month by month the total number of rides.

Clearly, the last third of the year was a bit less productive than the earlier periods.  This was mainly due to illness.  Hopefully I’ll be able to avoid some of those nasty ‘bug’s in 2017.

Until next blog, ride safe.


Marv’s November Bike Log

Dear Rouleurs,

Considering that I lost a week in the middle of November due to illness, knocking out 548km wasn’t too bad. Here’s my log and stats.  Here’s the log and stats for November.

Probably the most significant observation I could make is that it looks very likely that I’ll break 7000km mark this year.  I’m already about 1125 km ahead of annual target. That’s pretty amazing given all of the life “stuff” I’ve had on this year.


I’ve signed up for three events early next year, the Cadel Evans People’s Ride 111km version in January, the Ballarat Classic 100Km version in February and the MS Cycle 50Km in March.

Until next blog, ride safe.


Marv’s October Bike Log

Dear Rouleurs,

If September was a wet and windy month, October wasn’t much better. In fact, I’ll writing up a blog soon on an article that appeared in The Age, about how windy October 2016 was.  So here’s the log and stats for October.

October wasn’t a great month for distance travelled.  I had a few family commitments that meant by weekends and weekdays have less opportunity for cycling.  I feel that 537km was a fairly meager result given that about 20% of the total was achieved in RTB 2016.


I don’t have any events organised for November. But I’ll be registering in the Cadel Evans 2017 Peoples Ride shortly.  Hopefully I’ll make it to the actual start line this time, this year a really poorly timed flu put me in bed for a few days.

Until next blog, ride safe.
