Tag Archives: Strava

Goodbye 2020, you’ve been no fun whatsoever…

Dear Rouleurs,

By any measure the year 2020, has been completely crap. As far as MMT can tell, the only other thing, besides this awful COVID-19 pandemic, that anyone will remember is that Trump didn’t get re-elected. However, MMT is thankful that his support team a.k.a. family hasn’t caught this dreadful virus and that he is still employed. There are many, many people in the world that can’t say that.

MMT would prefer to remember 2020 as the year where he saw his kids grow up at close range, he lost about 8kg and rode over 11,000km. The last two points of the sentence are, invariably related 😉 Certainly, an initial strict application of the 5:2 diet helped alot, in much the same way Christmas pigging out hasn’t.

However, MMT was surprised by his Strava stats for 2020. He was less thrilled that Strava only made them available through the app. So what follows below is a hastily taken set of screen shots from his iPhone. Eventually, MMT will update his ride log and do a Festive 500 blog.

Until next time, ride safe and stay safe,


Agile work practices are killing my blog…sob

<whinge mode>

Dear Rouleurs,

It’s been a while, since my last blog. Unfortunately the day to day drama of working in an agile workforce has become a sinkhole of wasted time. Oh well they pay me I turn up. C’est la vie…

Unfortunately, this has meant much less time to work on this blog. It’s also not helping that my adorable half pint daughter is not sleeping through the night…. Sigh. So this means much less available time and energy to do blogs and generally reflect on MMT’s experience of cycling. Happily, MMT’s weekly kilometres ridden has stayed fairly consistent since Christmas.

With the exception of a couple of minor colds and a deeply peculiar skin virus, MMT’s health has been very good. A quick glance at MMT’s Strava account reveals a steady average of 170 Kilometres a week. Hooray, MMT supposes, that for a near 50 year old man this should be cause for celebration.

</Whinge Mode>

Anyhow, enough wingeing and onto the subject of this blog. MMT spied this awesome piece of…. Street art or philosophy on the Gill’s Diner sign last week and thought it was worth putting pen to paper to publicize it.

MMT doesn’t know who chalked this memorable quote but they clearly have a strong grasp of theology. Hopefully MMT will be feeling more chipper and write a less self indulgent blog next time.

Until next time ride safe


Marv’s May bike log

Dear Rouleurs,

May was a productive month for MMT on the bike, generating over 800km and 39 rides. Yes its one of those 5 week months, but it was still a good effort. The weather became progressively colder and occasionally wetter in May. MMT had to break out all the woollen long sleeve jerseys and his Castelli Perfecto.

MMT’s April 2018 log can be found here.

The graphic form of the log is presented below.  Overall it was a fairly even month for kms ridden.  MMT passed the monthly target on the 24th May 2018.


MMT managed a couple of rides with RCC this month and now has a few new followers on Strava.  Its a constant source of self-amusement and a bit of mystery  to MMT that anyone would bother to follow him.  Oh well….

Until next time, ride safe.


Marv’s April Ride Log

Dear Rouleurs,

Usually, MMT writes his monthly ride blog, a few days after the end of the month.  Unfortunately this hasn’t been the case for April.  In fact, it’s almost 4 weeks late, which means MMT doesn’t really remember too much about April other than a very nice week away in Phuket over Easter.  That short holiday feels a long time ago.  The good news was that I wrote up my log page in early May, which means its a lot more informative that this abbreviated ‘puff’ piece.

MMT’s April 2018 log can be found here.

The graphic form of the log is presented below.  Now as of April 2018, Strava no longer do a suffer score.  Its been replaced by some comparative measure based on your previous rides on a given route.  This means that MMT’s month suffer score graph will be discontinued….grrhhh.  MMT will have to figure out what to do with the new data.

As you can see not much happened in the first week of April and that he only just creeped past his monthly target.

Also MMT hasn’t ridden with RCC this month, mainly due to a irritating but minor YAFF.  Even today, 31st May, MMT hasn’t managed to shrug off this damn lurgy.

Until next time, ride safe.