April’s Rides

MMT is beginning to think that April is cursed. For a long as MMT has been keeping records, April, despite having a few pubic holidays, has been a fairly dreadful month for cycling. This year it wasn’t a YAFF but YAFV (yet another f#$king virus)or more accurately YAFGV (yet another f#$king gastric virus). MMT has laid low by a Norovirus passed on by his weaponised pathogen carriers (wpcs) a.k.a. his little girls. This shouldn’t come as much surprise as Victorian childcare centres experienced an outbreak so severe that the Department of Health issued a public health warning that it ended up on the evening news of the free to air stations. So that meant MMT reocrded his worst ever April numbers, falling some 270km of his monthly target. Bugger….

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Comparison
Monthly Kms (Target 666 km) 456.62 636.22 642.74 403.49 395.73  -7.76
Accum. Kms to month end 2,557.48 2,913.69 2,701.5 2,610.54 3162.4  +551.86
 Total Rides 18 31 26 14 15  +1
 Total Minutes on the Bike 1,155 1,712 1,636 961 1127  +166
 Total Elevation 937 2,094 2,232 1,270 1015  -255
 Total Calories 11,807 14,435 12,256 6,650  8,450  +1,800

Here’s the bike log:

Here’s my ‘worm’ graph that includes April.  The big gap in the middle is the damn YAFGV that MMT caught from his daughter(s).