Dear Roulers,
The baton of primary child carer has been passed to me and I’m officially in ‘daddy daycare’ mode. My main job is to transition my darling daughter into childcare. My wife, the other member of Team MMT, has had really mixed feelings about this, after having nearly 7 months leave. Alas all of us will need to return to our employment and keep our places in the great rat race that is working in Melbourne CBD. Happily, our daughter seems to be adjusting to the transition. We both draw solace from knowing that she’s being cared for in a centre nearby to our respective workplaces.
So onto cycling, MMT is still recovering from his brush with pneumonia which has really reduced my horsepower. This has taken some of the gloss MMT’s main Christmas present. For Christmas, MMT received an annual membership to Rapha Cycle Club from his wife. MMT rolled up to his first ride last week. RCC operates 2 rides during the working week. The Thursday one leaves from Elwood’s Turtle Cafe and cruises down to Mordialloc and returns via the Nepean Highway. I should qualify that description of the route with “I think’ as this bunch has dropped me 2 out of 2 rides, after about 10kms. It’s happening on the ramp that leads into Blackrock. MMT just can’t seem to find the grunt to keep up with these guys.
Much of what MMT has read suggests that to become a faster, better rider you have to start riding with people are better than you. So it seems I have had my wish granted. These guys are moving much quicker than what RCC App says is the overall speed for this ride. So I’m going to have to suck this up and get back to shedding unwanted kilos and getting my pre-Christmas conditioning back. I’m hoping that another new member will turn up one morning and challenge me for latern rouge that I seem to keep ‘winning’. May be I’ll form up the second bunch that that the Rapha app speaks of 😉
So onto the main topic of this blog, my new Trek Domane SLR 6 Disc. First let me say I’m in love. Its taken me awhile to get used to the geometry and the stopping power of the disc brakes. Here’s a picture of MMT’s new machine.

Its soooo beautiful. My Trek Domane SLR 6 Disc
The first couple of weeks were driving MMT a bit nuts as the relaxed geometry and bike fit were creating aches and pains in places that weren’t there before. The most significant problem being the saddle, which seemed to be creating friction and soreness in a area that MMT would rather not have it. So after a few adjustments in seat post height and saddle position, it looks like that problem is now resolved. So happily, it looks like I have the bike and enough conditioning to take on, at least, the 65km version of the Cadel Evan’s Peoples Ride next weekend. A weeks ago I wasn’t sure that I had either.
So in a couple of weeks time I’ll write up my experiences on that ride. Last time I did in 2015 and it was great fun.
Until next time ride safe
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