Dear Rouleurs,
August was another month messed up by YAFF – yet another f&%king flu, at the start and end of the month. Given that August was a five week month, that lost time really hurt. Looking out the window at clear windless mornings while coughing up gunk off my lungs, just pissed me off. Repeated trips to the doctor, a chest x-ray and couple of courses of antibiotics still haven’t managed to get MMT back on the bike.
As a consequence, MMT only just scraped past his monthly target. Boooooo!!! MMT hates YAFFs. Overall I’m still about 695km ahead of the weekly accumulated target as of the 2nd September. MMT is hoping for much better health and progress in September. So here’s my monthly graph. Its distinguished by flatline totals at the start and end of the month.
In yet another statistical quirk, while the monthly kilometres was down, MMT’s average suffer score rose from last month’s 36 to this month’s 39.
Until next blog, ride safe.
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