Dear Rouleurs,
MMT has been making a significant effort to some blogging this week, in amongst some pretty busy times at work and at home. Having a 1 year old daughter means both my wife’s and mine lives revolve around her moods and whims, whether we like it or not ;-). Notwithstanding, MMT has been able to get out and about at lunch time. Consequently, MMT’s eagle has noticed a few interesting sights around the CBD. In MMT’s imitable and plagiaristic style, these have been labelled the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY.
So the GOOD. Much MMT’s amazement a new private bike hire scheme seems to have appeared out of nowhere on the streets of Melbourne CBD. That illustrious paragon of journalism, The Age, seemed to have noticed it too -> When it comes to shared cycling, yellow is the new blue by Ebony Bowden. OBike hail from Singapore and think they can give the Melbourne Bike Scheme a run for its money. This photo was taken in Docklands and these bikes seemed be a bit lonely tucked away in a back lane.

Now to the BAD. MMT has been trying out new barbers for his 15 minute 4 comb/2 comb clipper buzz cut. MMT has gravitated to Kings Domain Barber in the Paris End of Collins St. For some utterly inexplicable reason, MMT’s work place has blocked the barber shop’s web site, so you’ll have to look it up yourself. In a nutshell, the barbers there are good, quick and cheap and more importantly don’t try and sell me product that my rapidly balding head doesn’t need. MMT digresses. Back to the topic, MMT leaves the barber shop and spies this courier bike chained to a post. The owner came out later and looked like a total bad ass courier. There’s one message that MMT strongly agreed with, after a near miss with an SUV in the back streets of Brighton earlier that morning.

Now the UGLY. MMT was super impressed by the care taken by some civic minded individual who left these signs on the bike racks near ANZ Docklands. May a terrible pox afflict the bike thieves that are responsible for this terrible larceny.

And that’s it the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY of urban cycling in CBD Melbourne.
Until next time, ride safe.
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