Dear Rouleurs,
MMT has been taking potshots at Millennials for a few years in this blog. After all it’s great sport to see generation ‘selfie’ suddenly realise the world, nay, universe doesn’t actually revolve around their sense of entitlement. MMT has particularly enjoyed poking fun Millennial’s preferred form of communication the infographic. It’s a well take on the aphorism that a picture says a thousand words.
Occasionally, MMT happens upon one that is genuinely amusing or informative. Today’s infographic falls into the former category. The visual is self-explanatory and here in Australia should have been accompanied by a ‘slip, slop, slap’ message of some kind. There’s nothing funny about having serious skin cancer.

MMT reckons he saw this pop up in on the FLAB Facebook page. Although it looks like The Joy Divison liberated it first. The visual has stuck in MMT’s head, as his directeur sportiff, Mrs MMT, had commented how deeply tanned MTT’s legs were, hence the thoughtful and artistic addition to the graphic 😉 MMT is also big fan of zinc across the cheeks and nose. As Banksy once wrote “The bad artists imitiate, The great artists steal – Picasso Banksy Marv ;-)”
Until next time, stay safe, ride safe
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