Dear Rouleurs,
MMT and Mrs. MMT, the team’s Directeur Sportive, have been frantically preparing and then adjusting to the arrival of the team’s newest member, a baby girl. Born in late June, R.R arrived at a civil time in the early evening, weighing 3.3kg, R.R is joy to behold.
R.R is a project rider who be placed in the women’s branch of Team MMT. The only problem being now that the women’s branch of Team MMT out numbers the men’s branch by 3 to 1. Not only that, they are all red heads. MMT wonders what the team grupetto will be like in a few years time.
MMT purchased a small girl’s bike, for the original ninja ginger, A.J. a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, the last few week’s weather in Melbourne have bordered on apocalyptic. So there have been few still sunny days to introduce A.J. to joys of riding a bike. This remains a work in progress.
Speaking of works in progress, hopefully when MMT gets back to work, next week he’ll be able to take a more serious approach to this blog. In the meantime, MMT will continue to enjoy the liesurely afternoon viewing of 2019 Tour de France stage replays. Go Richie Porte…its your year.
Until next time ride safe,
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