Dear Rouleurs,
As MMT’s age creeps towards the big….5…0…. sigh, he’s noticed that days just keeping slipping by at an increasing rate…boo. There is so much to do and so many places to ride. However, summer 2018 style has been a particularly pleasant and January was an excellent month for cycling, with lots of sun, some rain and strangely, quite a bit of humidity. The humidity came care of some heat trough that lodged itself over SE-Australia for a few weeks. Some mornings, MMT could close his eyes and feel the warm warm moist air and think that he was in Thailand. Ah…that’s proof that MMT is in desperate need of a holiday 😉
January was significant for a couple of other events. First, MMT completed the ridiculous flaming, dog poo covered, jumping hoop, obstacle course that was re-applying to work with his current employer. More on that in March, MMT hopes. Second, MMT returned back to the RCC crew and completed a number of speedy south side rides. Finally, MMT completed the 65km course of Cadel Evan’s Peoples Ride on a very muggy Saturday morning down in Geelong. The last two points contributed to a bumper result for January. Here’s my monthly graph for Janaury 2018. Already, MMT is up on monthly target, achieving a very productive 800km even. That’s a pretty good start.

On the back of that work, MMT’s Strava graph is also very consistent. As stated before the weather has been very good so, riding 21 out of possible 31 days, means really solid workouts on the bike. This makes MMT very, very happy :-). MMT’s ride log can be found here.

Before signing off, a digression about this log. One of the things that MMT was ruminating over during the Christmas holidays was what kind of target, he should set for 2018. Afterall, whilst MMT was YAFFed many times in 2017, he still managed nearly 8,000km. Which is not bad for a 48 year old “Clydesdale” with a bad back, who is desperately trying to keep his weight down to something that starts with a ‘9’. So what to do?? Well, part of the answer lies in doing a few Strava challenges to keep motivated and continuing to ride with RCC. The final annual MMT decided on was 7500km, or approximately 145km a week.
Whole point of this effort, was three fold:
- Cycling is fun and MMT wants to get better at it.
- MMT would like to loose about 10 kg this year.
- MMT is aiming to complete an “l’eroica” style event in Italy or Spain, to celebrate his 50th Birthday.
So really, the 145Km target is meant to be way of getting to those goals, rather just counting kms. So there it is, why MMT keeps churning Kms and blogs.
Until next blog, ride safe.
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