May’s Rides

After April, May just had to better. So with 1,000km+ in the bank for this month, MMT is back on track. It looks like this was MMT’s best effort in May by some margin. Here’s the monthly summary and comparison with MMT’s past results.

  2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Comparison
 Total Monthly Kms 823.57 829.47 561.71 892.45 1039.16  +330.74
 Accum. Kms to month end 3,381.05 3,743.16 3,263.19 3,503.16 4,201.56  +698.4
 Total Rides 34 39 30 29 39  +10
 Total Minutes on the Bike 2,053 2,167 1,539 2,202 2,626  +424
 Total Elevation 2,119 2,972 1,627 2,517  3,366  +849
 Total Calories 11,807 14,435 10,175 13,962 19,658  +5,696

Here’s the spreadsheet for May 2021.

Here’s my monthly ‘worm’ graph as of May 2021.