Category Archives: Road Manners

Good road manners is a important riding and social skill for roadcyclists.

Joy of Hand Signals

Cycling hand signals – a few basics

The Lead Out

Using hand signal isn’t just good manners its also the law.  As a cyclist , it’s a necessary survival skill on Melbourne’s busy roads.  Giving a hand signal does not guarantee a cyclist’s safety. Its critical that you assess the actions of the other cyclists and road users around you to make sure it is safe, particularly  before turning or changing lanes.

The Breakaway

Using hand signal isn’t just good manners, it’s a necessary survival skill on Melbourne’s busy roads.  Once you start riding in groups they become essential.

The Peloton

Hand signals help to tell other cyclists and road users where you intend to go and what you intend to do.  Cyclists are required by law to give a hand signal when turning right or merging to the right lane.  Typically a cyclist should Indicate about 30 metres before turning or changing lane position.

The obvious ones are left, right and brake needed for navigating roads and traffic.  These are good for English speaking countries but be warned there are some interesting variations in other places.

Left Extend your left arm out parallel to the road with your palm sideways to the ground.  If you are by yourself exaggerate the gesture so nearby or following cars can see it.  If you are in a peloton, a smaller but still noticeable gesture is still good manners.
Right As above but with your right.  Ditto on the advice for traffic and pelotons.
Brake Having seen my wife get run up the back by an extremely inobservant and grumpy MAMIL near St.Kilda Sea Baths, I can vouch for the necessity of signalling that you are breaking.There are two variations; the arm is placed in a 90 degree angle to the shoulder with palm either extended skywards or towards the road.

There are a few others that conscientious road cyclist should know.

Move out To alert riders behind that there’s an obstruction ahead such as a parked car, pedestrian or skip/pot hole, indicate the way they should move by pointing in that direction with your hand behind your back.
Hazard here Point down at any hazard on the road, such as a pothole or road kill to warn riders behind.
Surface beware keep your palm down to indicate that there is a surface hazard to be avoided on that side such as broken glass, loose gravel , mud or water.
Your turn If the rider in front whose wheel you’ve been riding for a while, lifts their right elbow out to the side, they are asking you to come through and do a turn on the front.  Time to go to work  !!