Category Archives: Environment

The cost of cycling is…bananas

Dear Rouleurs

I bought a new bike rack on Saturday from 99 Bikes in Port Melbourne.  I’ll write about it in February once I’ve been on a few road trips.  On the way out, I spotted this on the door.

20150111_CostofCyclingI assume its been there for while and in need of an update.  Especially as falling petrol prices have been in the press over the Christmas break.

As someone that lives close to bay, I’m a bit perturbed by the thought of rising sea levels caused by Global Warming.  That’s a serious cramp in my personal style.  I can understand why people in places like Kiribati are very edgy about their homes disappearing into the Pacific in near future.

Consequently, I’m not sure that falling petrol prices are a good thing….ever.

So with aid of Google, Comparethe and Coles I’ve updated the figures on the door:

 Fuel Cost per Litre Density Cost per Kg
Petrol $1.10 0.75 $1.46
Diesel $1.40 0.83 $1.68
LPG $0.60 0.58 $1.03
Bananas $7.00

Which has lead me to the horrible discovery that it would be cheaper to drink petrol or diesel than eat bananas to fuel my daily commute 🙂  Just may be we don’t pay enough for our pollution creating fossil fuels.

On a different tack – I’ve completed 132km in my first week in attempting to complete 5000km in a calendar year….woo hoo 🙂