Dear Rouleurs,
Its been a few weeks since I’ve had a rant about dickhead ute drivers. May be I’ve been lucky. However, yesterday I had another close call with a dickhead ute driver. The driver of a black ute, Victorian registration AJA 780, was talking to his mate and looking at Port Melbourne Oval as he sped through the pedestrian crossing on Williamstown Road in Port Melbourne at 08:50am. As always, the red star marks the spot.

Yes, the driver of a white ute, registration OUF213 tried to kill me here today.
The vehicle was a black modern ute either Ford or Holden with mag rims and low profile tires and it looked a lot like this one.
The driver looked to be in his thirties, wore sunglasses and a baseball cap. If by some co-incidence, you come across this driver, feel free to punch him in the head and then direct him to this blog.
As Italians say ”Vaffanculo!!!’ with the appropriate hand gesture to you for some truly idiotic driving. May be you sir are a future Darwin Award Winner.
Until next time, ride safe
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