Dear Rouleurs,
My morning commute to work traverses some very busy roads around Docklands, South Melbourne and Port Melbourne area. I’m pretty damn careful. However the one place that I’m utterly paranoid is the pedestrian crossing on Williamstown Road in Port Melbourne. The red star marks the spot.

Yes, the driver of a white ute, registration OUF213 tried to kill me here today.
Once again that paranoia acted as a survival instinct, as the driver of a white f#@king ute, Victorian registration, OUF 213, drove straight through the crossing, despite that the fact that the car travelling in the opposite direction had stopped. This flagrant breach of the law occurred at approximately 9.00 am. The ute looked like a late model Ford and it’s load was tied down with a tarpaulin. The driver looked to be in his fourties, wore glasses and had blonde hair.
If by some co-incidence, you come across this driver, feel free to punch him in the head and then direct him to this blog. May be that will get his attention. God knows being dressed in bright orange and seated on bike with no less than 4 bright flashing lights, didn’t. Seriously, driver a pox on you and your house for some truly idiotic driving.
Until next time, ride safe
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